School Days: 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 precautions, our hours and operations have changed. However, we are still encouraging our students to read!
Please use the Quick Links on the Library Homepage to find online books and resources.
Our Barron Library program has some exciting opportunities in store for your child this school year:
Library Rules
L - Listen to the librarian.
I - Inquire (ask) if you need help.
B - Be respectful of others.
R - Read and talk quietly.
A - Always walk, never run.
R - Return books to their proper places.
Y - Your manners are appreciated!
Every patron is responsible for the items they check out. Please assist your child with finding a safe place to store their library books at home.
Class Visits
Each class visits the library on a 2-week rotation for a library lesson and book check out. In addition, students may also visit the library before school or after school.
Circulation Policy
Books are checked out for a 2 week period; Reference materials are available for overnight check-out.
- Our curriculum will be promoting the very best of children's literature with activities designed to help students enjoy the stories even more.
- We will be doing our very best to get (or keep) your children "hooked on reading" by recommending specific reading materials to each individual.
- At each grade level, students will be learning research and computer skills specifically suited to their developmental needs.
- We have various special reading events being planned including: Millionaires Book Club, Read Across the District (RAD), Polar Express winter celebration, Read Across America (RAA), Poetry Cafe, and Author Visit.
- If you would like to volunteer to help in the library, please let me know. We'd love to have you!
Library Rules
L - Listen to the librarian.
I - Inquire (ask) if you need help.
B - Be respectful of others.
R - Read and talk quietly.
A - Always walk, never run.
R - Return books to their proper places.
Y - Your manners are appreciated!
Every patron is responsible for the items they check out. Please assist your child with finding a safe place to store their library books at home.
Class Visits
Each class visits the library on a 2-week rotation for a library lesson and book check out. In addition, students may also visit the library before school or after school.
Circulation Policy
Books are checked out for a 2 week period; Reference materials are available for overnight check-out.
- Pre-K & Kindergarten - 1 book (remains in classroom)
- 1st Grade - 1 book
- 2nd - 5th Grades - 2 books
- Students may check-out 2 additional items before/after school